Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Traveling This Week for Work
So I am traveling this week for work. If my posts are a little erratic, or sparse, I apologize. I try to bring something to the blog every day from my own learning experiences… I will do my best to keep on top of it for you (and I). Suburban
Saturday Videos and a Bit More
A couple days ago MD Creekmore over at TheSurvivalistBlog.net posted a pretty good article on “Survival for the Apartment Dweller.” Thought I would share it with you today. Now for Saturday Videos: Firefight: A Nutnfancy .22 Drill…

Ultra Light Weight Shelter for Your Bug Out Bag
As I start to prepare my gear for my Bug Out Weekend, and I re-evaluate what is in my Bug Out Bag, I may be looking to replace or eliminate some gear if I think it is redundant. This is the first time I am really taking a “harder” look at my Bug Out Bag. It is true,…

Pigeon? For Dinner?
Okay, I was in the car for about four hours today… I had some time to think… My mind started to wander, and the gears were spinning. I asked myself, if the S#!t has hit the fan while I was in Philadelphia, and I knew no one. If food supplies are low and I was in…

My “Electronic” Survival Library
NOTE: I am Updating this post and the updated data/files can be found here: http://www.suburbansurvivalblog/updated-survival-library/ My Web Host is asking I change where my documents are hosted, and am moving them to another document hosting service. The new post…

The Design of a Bug Out Weekend Gear Test
I joined, not too long ago, a preparedness meetup group in Northern NJ. There seem to be only a few of us that are regulars and show up once a month to the meeting. There are various other members of the group that may make it depending on their schedules or not.…

Plans to Build a Garden Box and Fall Gardens
Saturday Videos
Today’s Edutainment on Hulu, Episode One of Survival School How to Make Waterproof Tinder for Fire Starting httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_Jb3SyhsG4 Urban Indoor Secret Survival Garden httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mOY75okKLc Water Shortage — Urban Survival…

I Ordered My ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
I ordered my ARRL Ham Radio License Manual this week. It was predicated on the Northern NJ Meetup I attended a couple weeks ago, and another gentleman I met at the meetup some time ago that has his Ham license. There is a lot of chatter in the survivalist world…