Well, after being 0n the road this week, and I still am, I have decid­ed that I am g0ing to start re-eval­u­at­ing and writ­ing in a more sys­temic fash­ion.  Or maybe sys­temic is the wrong word.  Maybe the right words are a more “orga­nized way.”  I’ve been putting togeth­er an out­line of areas that I have and have not been focus­ing, and want to put more struc­ture to the blog.  I want to cre­ate a cohe­sive resource for those in urban and sub­ur­ban envi­ron­ments that are look­ing to pro­tect them­selves and their fam­i­lies.

In the com­ing days and weeks, you may see a change in the way I write or the sub­jects or both.  I am not sure that mat­ters, or whether you care, but it is to share what I know and learn in a more log­i­cal order.

That said, it is time for me to go to bed (long day on the road run­ning around vis­it­ing cus­tomers).

Oh, last­ly, I am not sure I am going to get to write any­more this week… I am just too busy.  I feel bad that I can­not, but I will get to writ­ing more this week­end…