Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

M.D. Creekmore a Thought Leader for Preppers and Survivalists.

What Your 2010 Survival Interests Were
It is really more than a Top 10 List. It started out that way, but I thought it would be interesting to share some of the top categories, pages, and downloads viewed and searched for on the Suburban Survival Blog in 2010. All lists are in order of popularity with…
Saturday Videos
Winter Camping httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWBsXiZfvDg Making Fire in the Snow httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=704TpQA_vJ8 A Large Cache Made from a Large Oil Drum httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO2biIvvRgM Nutnfancy: 1911 Philosophy of Use Video…

What Are Your 2011 Preparedness Goals?
What are some of you 2011 Preparedness goals? Here are some of mine in no particular order: Add an additional three months of food storage to my preps, Take at least two tactical shooting courses, Continue teaching what I learn when I can, Take several wilderness…
Ashton Kutcher On It Hitting the Fan
This has been floating around the blogsphere the past day or two. Interestingly enough he too is worried about the proverbial SHTF scenario. Check out the article here: http://huff.to/i1tVXd Let me know what you think.

Handgun CCW Drills
This will probably be a short one today, but I found this over the weekend, even though I regularly frequent HangunLaw.us Website. My buddy Doug and I routinely discuss guns. What we’d like to buy, what we dislike about certain guns, brands, etc. The one thing that…

My New Boots
This may be a mundane post by comparison to others, but I had to tell you about my new boots. Personally, I hate winter boots. I think most of them actually suck at the job they are supposed to do. I know how to dress for the cold, I layer, I wear my wool or…

Yesterday’s Mild TEOTWAWKI Moment at the Grocery Store
It wasn’t really a TEOTWAWKI moment, but offered an interesting glimpse of what might be. Perhaps, the ghost of Christmas future. There is a major snowstorm on the way to the northeast. It is the first one of the season and the weather channels, news channels, and…
Merry Christmas and Thank You
Thank you for helping me achieve some of my 2010 goals of becoming a more fluent prepper, student, and teacher. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read what I have to say. It still amazes me. So, a very Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it out…