Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Saturday Videos

Bare Minimum Gear You Should Have at Your Bug Out Location

Judgement Day, April 21, 2011 = TEOTWAWKI? Hmmm… Is There a Terminator Around the Corner?
So today is the fictional TEOTWAWKI date of “Judgement Day” from the Terminator movies. The day that Skynet was to become “Self Aware.” Technically, yesterday would have been the day Skynet became self aware. Today, April 21st, is the day that Skynet was supposed…

Northern NJ After Heavy Rains All Night, a Hard Bug Out Situation
Black Swans, Why We Prepare
A few years ago I read a book called The Black Swan, by Nassim Taleb. While the book is primarily applicable to the financial crisis (it came out before the credit crisis hit and accurately predicted the issues), it also applies to low probability, high impact events…

The Short on Shortages.
Briefly, I want to think Suburban for the opportunity to post on his blog. Onward… I’ve been thinking about “shortages”. What it really means to have a “shortage”. As I walk down the isles of my local supermarkets I still see full shelves of a wide variety of fresh…

Accelerating the Purchase of Preps
Saturday Videos
Jewish Preppers Long Term Food Storage Part I httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nse1BQ9touU&feature Jewish Preppers Long Term Storage Part II httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq6ZdRAqhSA Jewish Preppers Part III httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmuclPG2IJE Jewish…
Thinking About More Preps, Goals, Milestones, and Disaster
It’s a fantastic evening here in NJ, with the exception of my allergies kicking up, which reminds me. Time to stock up a few seasons worth of Zyrtec or some other anti-hystimine. As long as they as stored correctly, they should last for several years without worrying…