A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Saturday Videos

Sub­ur­ban prep­pers HUGE stock­pile of food httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKS6Kj6MgSI With­out Rule of Law: “Resur­gence of Com­mu­ni­ty” by Nut­n­fan­cy httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCM3eb3ypkk  

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Doomsday Blues

Just like gen­er­a­tions past, there are plen­ty of issues on the hori­zon that present a chal­lenge to our day and age. Almost every day some­one pre­dicts doom is around the cor­ner, most­ly so they can point to their YouTube video or blog and say “I told you so.”  We are…

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Saturday Videos

Nav­i­ga­tion Equip­ment and Gad­gets httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmth7oE7Lk0 Back­pack Load­out List: Moon­scape Adven­ture httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFHb4d2P1A4 SHTF Cur­ren­cy — Urban Sur­vival httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUnQc7gypUU Should You Buy Cop­per Rounds?…

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Famine — a severe short­age of food, as through crop fail­ure or over­pop­u­la­tion. (“famine.” Collins Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary — Com­plete & Unabridged 10th Edi­tion. Harper­Collins Pub­lish­ers.) More than mere­ly a short­age or high­er prices, “famine” is the extreme low end of…

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