Click to get the book.

You know how you scour the Inter­net for infor­ma­tion on prep­ping?  Do you know how you tell your­self you need to print out and cre­ate a man­u­al for emer­gen­cies?    Do you know how you keep telling your­self you are going to orga­nize those ideas some day, and make sure that every­one in your home or group has a copy so that they have a ref­er­ence for every­one in your group or your fam­i­ly?

Are you just start­ing to prep?  Are you an expe­ri­ence prep­per?  Do you want a quick ref­er­ence guide to get you start­ed or to aug­ment your exist­ing prep­ping lifestyle?  Do you want to learn just a lit­tle more or rein­force what you already know?

Well, all of that being said, if you answered yes to any of those ques­tions, Bernie Car­r’s book, “The Prep­per’s Pock­et Guide, 101 Easy Things You Can Do To Ready Your Home For a Dis­as­ter.”  It is a well orga­nized easy read.  It out­lines in spe­cif­ic steps “Get­ting Start­ed, to Finan­cial Readi­ness, to When It Is Time To Get Out, and much, much more.  Bernie talks about track­ing your eat­ing habits to know how to gauge what to buy and what to store to build­ing a “Pow­er Fail­ure Kit,” some­thing even I have not done…   Hell, I just go out and buy more bat­ter­ies for a cou­ple flash­lights, lanterns, etc. with the excep­tion of a cou­ple oil lamps and oil… Or the idea of mak­ing food can rota­tion device out of… (Ooops, you’re going to have to buy the book).

My point, is this.  This is a great book for novice prep­pers and expe­ri­enced ones alike.  It is a great book for get­ting a few new ideas or chang­ing the way you do some­thing today for more pre­pared­ness effi­cien­cy in your home.

Pick up a copy of this book.  Heck, pick up a cou­ple copies of this book to give to anoth­er fam­i­ly mem­ber or prep­per.  Bernie sent me two copies, and I gave one to a fel­low prep­per, just because it is one of those books to keep handy if you feel you need an ideas or a quick ref­er­ence…

To buy Bernie’s book, you can click here, to get it on (soft­cov­er).  If you are a Kin­dle per­son, you can get the Kin­dle ver­sion here.