Gear Review, the Gerber Camp Axe

Gear Review, the Gerber Camp Axe

Back from anoth­er trip to the camp site, I had occa­sion to put a cou­ple pieces of gear to use this week­end.  One of which i use reg­u­lar­ly and the oth­er that I recent­ly acquired that I’ve been look­ing for­ward to using. Ger­ber Camp Axe First, I car­ry... Read more

Pet Prepping

Awhile ago, I blogged that I was real­ly hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time prep­ping for my pets (one dog and two cats). This can be a major issue, espe­cial­ly if you have to go and quick­ly. This has made me think heav­i­ly about how I would ensure the sur­vival of my pets... Read more