Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
EDC Bag Reconfiguration
When I first began prepping, I put a tactical messenger bag on my Amazon Christmas list so that I could carry “stuff” around to be a “survivalist” if the “SHTF”. I am putting those words in quotation, because I had no idea at the time what stuff I needed to face a…
Reality check — Part 1: Farming/Growing Your Own Food
Every survival/prepping website and book has some section on growing your own food during a SHTF event. There are ads for seed companies showing a person pushing a shopping cart down isles of empty supermarket shelves and the caption reads something like “How are you…
All Prepping, All the Time
“All Prepping and No Play, Makes Jim a Dull Boy” One downside to being a prepper is there is always something that needs doing to prepare for possible emergencies. People in your life may not share the same sense of urgency, to the point of being annoyed at your…
Bartertown, U.S.A.
Barter – To trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money. (Source: Dictionary.com. Source location: Random House, inc.) Much has been written about the use of barter in a post SHTF/TEOTWAWKI. event. Even in “merely” a post-financial collapse/SHTF…
Winner of the 84 Meal Grab and Go Bucket is…
Congratulations to Ellen from Ohio for winning the Ineed2Prepare.com Grab and Go Bucket contest today! I would also like to thank everyone who entered the contest today. We’ll be running another one shortly, and hope you will enter that as well… So everyone knows,…
Bin Laden Dead, No Change in Prepper State
As I went to bed without checking the news, I guess I was one of the last people in the world to learn of the death of Osama Bin Laden. As someone whose life-view was changed by 9/11, this is a momenteous event. Justice was slow but, in the end, final. For preppers…
What Boy Scouts (Sorry Ladies) is to Preparedness.
When I was visiting family two weekends ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with my mother. I happened to lok down at the table and a brochure caught my eye. This brochure was for my old Boy Scout troop. It was their 100th anniversary of existance, and…
A Case for Growing Your Own Food In Suburbia or Not.
Since spring has sprung, I have been giving thought to the mini garden that is going to inhabit the deck on the back of my apartment this year. What will I plant, how much travel will I have, and how much time am I going to have to tend to the container garden, blah,…
The Price of Money To Come
I’m not sure if that is a good title, but I am using it anyway… Several months ago, I priced silver, on a per ounce basis. It was $31.00 and change. I thought, Hmmm. I should buy some silver. I disregarded… I few weeks later I looked at the price of silver…
Bad Situation
I always leave my gas tank with enough gas to allow me to drive 100 miles or more should I need to escape the region quickly. I know that my tank holds enough to drive 320–350 miles when full. Thus, when 200 miles rolls around, I fill up, period. This is usually on…