Pet Prepping

Awhile ago, I blogged that I was real­ly hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time prep­ping for my pets (one dog and two cats). This can be a major issue, espe­cial­ly if you have to go and quick­ly. This has made me think heav­i­ly about how I would ensure the sur­vival of my pets... Read more


Famine — a severe short­age of food, as through crop fail­ure or over­pop­u­la­tion. (“famine.” Collins Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary — Com­plete & Unabridged 10th Edi­tion. Harper­Collins Pub­lish­ers.) More than mere­ly a short­age or high­er prices, “famine” is the... Read more
The Food I Buy Is Changing, a Lot.

The Food I Buy Is Changing, a Lot.

It is evi­dent.  My last few trips to the gro­cery store have yield­ed what I believe what oth­ers have been talk­ing about now for some time.  But to me it is visu­al­ly notice­able.  I know this because I am a crea­ture of habit.  Being a sin­gle... Read more
Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and beans – unques­tion­ably the top two items most often cit­ed as “must-haves” in any prep­pers pantry. Even for non-prep­pers, when dis­cus­sion of hav­ing a few extra food sup­plies on hand comes up (and this comes up a lot more these days in a great many... Read more