Trying New Foods for Food Storage

Trying New Foods for Food Storage

Well, I went to the gro­cery store tonight.  When I got there I noticed there was a lot of stuff on sale.  Pack­age of six ramen noo­dles for $2.00, Vien­na Sausage, two cans for a dol­lar, SPAM, two 6 oz cans for three dol­lars, 10 cans of Camp­bel­l’s... Read more

Pet Prepping

Awhile ago, I blogged that I was real­ly hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time prep­ping for my pets (one dog and two cats). This can be a major issue, espe­cial­ly if you have to go and quick­ly. This has made me think heav­i­ly about how I would ensure the sur­vival of my pets... Read more