by suburban | Sep 3, 2011 | Bug Out, But Out Bag, Gear, Personal, Preparedness, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Urban Survival
Yesterday, I received an email, and text message from the local emergency system I was signed up for. The mayor of my town, and the county, I believe, instituted a mandatory evacuation of homes due to flooding from the Passaic River. As I... Read more
by Mr-Jones | Jul 29, 2011 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Bug Out Vehicle, But Out Bag, Preparedness, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
This is a guest post by a new contributing Author Mr-Jones. Mr-Jones and I know each other primarily from Facebook, and some of the same forums, and have become fast friends, online. I have asked him to contribute when he can, and I greatly... Read more
by suburban | May 26, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Bug Out Location, But Out Bag, first aid, Gardening, Gear, Preparedness
Traveling again this week and short on time, but wanted to put something together for you… I was going over ways in my head to help me re-align some goals and thought I would share a few of them with you… These are in no particular oder Plant a garden,... Read more
by Prepperjim | May 11, 2011 | But Out Bag, EDC, Gear, Personal, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Urban Survival
When I first began prepping, I put a tactical messenger bag on my Amazon Christmas list so that I could carry “stuff” around to be a “survivalist” if the “SHTF”. I am putting those words in quotation, because I had no idea at the time what stuff I needed... Read more
by Prepperjim | Apr 27, 2011 | But Out Bag, EDC, Gardening, Guns & Weapons, Survival Gear
In any environment, blending in can be an important survival tactic. It is no different in urban or suburban situations where fitting in keeps you under the radar and safe. Everything you do is either useful camouflage or dangerous attraction,... Read more
by suburban | Apr 16, 2011 | But Out Bag, General, Preparedness
Jewish Preppers Long Term Food Storage Part I Jewish Preppers Long Term Storage Part II Jewish Preppers Part III Jewish Prepper — Prepping Part IV Kids Bug Out Bag $20.00 Dollar Store Bug Out Bag Challenge (Version 1) $20.00 Dollar Store Bug Out Bag... Read more