I just read a blog post on Doc­tor Prep­per this morn­ing ab0ut health­i­er eat­ing.  I try to eat healthy, but if you saw me eat on a busi­ness trip, you might think I was addict­ed to steaks or a junk food junkie.  Sad but true.  I can say that I prob­a­bly gain a cou­ple of pounds on an aver­age week long busi­ness trip.  Enter­tain­ing and client din­ners are nev­er usu­al­ly healthy, because they are a “treat” for the client.  For me, how­ev­er, they are a stan­dard by which I am learn­ing to despise because of their size, calo­rie count, and over­all affect on my health.  Hence my recent com­mit­ment to the gym, again, as well as try­ing to eat bet­ter at home.  Small­er por­tions, bet­ter foods, etc.

Doc­tor Prep­per, James Tal­mage, author of “Mak­ing the Best of Basics” wrote the fol­low­ing post on the “Sev­en Steps to Healthy Eat­ing,” that I thought I would share with you.

If you did­n’t click on the link above, you can get it here:

I’ve made a com­mit­ment to eat­ing bet­ter, but man it is hard.  There are so many food dis­trac­tions around us that we have to deal with whether it is in the gro­cery store or dri­ving down the street.  While I com­plained above about calo­ries, I love a good steak.  I could eat it every day, if I let myself.  But I can­not do that.  It is not good for you.  I find myself at the gro­cery store debat­ing over some foods, but always, always fill up my cart with more veg­eta­bles than I think I can eat, but seem to devour these days.

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