Mr-Jones Aug 5 2011 CERT Personal Preparedness suburban survival Survivalism
I live in a community of less than 10,000 people in rural Cache Valley on the ID/UT border with volunteer fire and ambulance service. It’s been 8 months now since I joined my local Community Emergency Response Team. Since then: I have... Read more
Prepperjim Apr 20 2011 Personal Survivalism Water
A few years ago I read a book called The Black Swan, by Nassim Taleb. While the book is primarily applicable to the financial crisis (it came out before the credit crisis hit and accurately predicted the issues), it also applies to low... Read more
suburban Mar 11 2011 Books Entertainment Preparedness Survivalism
Obscure Book and Movie Recommendations, as provided to me by an anonymous reader and contributor Survival blogs and websites are full of reviews about this or that book for preparation and/or outdoor survival skills. Or how a popular movie or TV... Read more
suburban Feb 2 2011 Books Les Stroud Psychology
Well, this review comes one day after his new book was released. I actually had an advance copy of it from the publisher, and struggled to get through it; but not why you might think. I have been super busy with work and at the end of the day it has... Read more
suburban Feb 1 2011 Preparedness Survivalism
This is a second article by the same reader who asked not to be identified. During my last article I discussed various scenarios for using non-lethal defenses. While the responses were great, they did focus on an ancillary aspect of the article I... Read more