by suburban | Aug 31, 2011 | Bug In, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival, Weather
Admittedly, I missed the “center” of Hurricane Irene. Rather, I missed the heart of the storm. I made my way west to Pennsylvania, not to bug out, but to a good friends bachelor party. The upside is that I was going to be west of Irene. The... Read more
by ST | Aug 30, 2011 | Bug In, Guest Posts, Preparedness, suburban survival
As of writing this Hurricane Irene is forecast to hit Long Island starting mid-day tomorrow (Saturday) and last through at least Sunday evening. I’m writing and queuing this for posting on Friday since I don’t know if I’ll have power or internet... Read more
by suburban | Aug 26, 2011 | Preparedness, Water
Purifying water in an urban or suburban environment after a natural or man-made disaster When disaster strikes, the first thing on most people’s minds is the wellbeing of their loved ones and their own personal safety. Humans are pretty resourceful... Read more
by ST | Aug 23, 2011 | General, Guest Posts, Levels of Awareness, Preparedness, Psychology, Self Reliance
It is a common theme on many prepper sites and in prepping videos that all that needs to be done is to educate your family and friends as to why they need to prep. Once they see the light they too will take the responsible road and make at least some level of... Read more
by ST | Aug 16, 2011 | Economy, General, Government, Guest Posts, Levels of Awareness, Politics, Preparedness
Not even a week after the S&P downgrade of American government debt, and the financial market reaction to it, and a very clear set of lessons for preppers is emerging clearly. As the scenario unfolds more analysis can be applied and more conclusions... Read more