suburban Jan 7 2011 Bug In Preparedness
There is more snow coming this weekend. According to how the weather looks there might be quite a bit of snow over the next couple of weeks. Snow does not make me happy. Especially now because the towns around me have NOT cleaned up the snow... Read more
suburban Nov 8 2010 Preparedness suburban survival Urban Survival
After it sitting on my shelf of a couple of months, I slipped Ron Hood’s DVD on Urban Survival in the DVD player this weekend. In the first volume Ron discusses Urban Survival tactics for the following categories: Home Away from Home Threats to... Read more
suburban Nov 3 2010 Bug In Bug Out Personal suburban survival Survivalism Urban Survival
As many of the readers know, I have joined a group for preparedness. I joined for a couple of reasons. First, as a “lone wolf” I was looking to connect with like minded people to hopefully teach and learn from them. The second... Read more
suburban Oct 26 2010 Bug In Preparedness suburban survival Urban Survival
I am not really sure this is going to apply to those of us who live in apartments. However, I may touch on that in this post. Much of what we discuss, or I write, rather, revolves around bugging out. As mentioned in a previous post, I was going to... Read more
suburban Oct 21 2010 Bug In Preparedness Shelter suburban survival Urban Survival
Have any of you thought about having to bug in at your workplace. Most of the time I think about bugging out with my Get Home Bag and don’t really think too much about what might happen if I have to stay in an office for a few days, or longer. A few... Read more