by suburban | Jun 20, 2010 | Books, Bushcraft, Cooking, DIY, Energy, Fire, first aid, Fishing, Food, Gear, Health, Hunting, Hygiene, Improvised Gear, Iphone/Smartphone, Knots, Medicinal, Navigation, Physical Fitness, Plants, Politics, Preparedness, Psychology, Shelter, suburban survival, Water, Weather
When I bought my iPhone last year, I quickly realized it had the potential to be a survival tool My search for iPhone apps under “camping, hiking, and survival” quickly returned many options for me. I have tried a bunch of them, and am using the... Read more
by suburban | Jun 6, 2010 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Preparedness, Urban Survival
Here is my perspective on apartment security if you live in an urban or suburban area. There is none… If you have prepped supplies my suggestion they should be for minor natural disasters only. People will be come refugees in a SHTF in urban... Read more
by suburban | Apr 25, 2010 | Bug In, Bug Out
I have a couple philosophies as I am an apartment dweller outside NYC with little space for storage, as well as a Bug Out location 100 miles from my apartment. So here are several philosophies of mine that I think might resonate with you: Bugging Out.... Read more
by suburban | Jun 17, 2009 | Communications, Entertainment, Gear, General, Preparedness, Survival Gear
UPDATE 2021: Over the years, I have found emergency radios to be essential little tools whether you need them in an emergency or not. I used one during Hurricane Sandy to stay informed about the surrounding metropolitan area. In... Read more
by suburban | Oct 31, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Cooking, Guns & Weapons, Personal, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Last week, I had dinner with three other preppers. One was new, and the two others I have been in touch with for some time. We all live in Northern NJ, and are concerned with the economy, job growth, Bugging In, Bugging Out, etc. The... Read more