Who Would You Bug Out With?

A ques­tion on one of the boards I am on popped up, and I respond­ed, which I rarely do these days.  I’ve been kind of burned out of writ­ing and been focus­ing on build­ing more preps, los­ing some of my flab and get­ting into bet­ter shape, etc.…... Read more

Honestly, Where is the Answer?

Hon­est­ly, I have not been moti­vat­ed to write recent­ly.  I feel like work is con­sum­ing my life over the past sev­er­al months.  Being in sales I am not sur­prised, but I feel like I am work­ing hard­er longer hours for small­er rewards.  The... Read more
Endless Fall – Part 6: Trouble Comes For Dinner (Alternate Ending)

Endless Fall – Part 6: Trouble Comes For Dinner (Alternate Ending)

Note: The fol­low­ing is the sixth install­ment of a series that rep­re­sents a first-hand chron­i­cle of a fic­tion­al eco­nom­ic col­lapse in the Unit­ed States. This series is to be viewed as only one pos­si­ble sce­nario. Con­tains explic­it lan­guage.   May... Read more