My Survival and Outdoor iPhone Apps

My Survival and Outdoor iPhone Apps

When I bought my iPhone last year, I quick­ly real­ized it had the poten­tial to be a sur­vival tool  My search for iPhone apps under “camp­ing, hik­ing, and sur­vival” quick­ly returned many options for me.  I have tried a bunch of them, and am using the... Read more
My Philosophies on Bugging In vs. Bugging Out

My Philosophies on Bugging In vs. Bugging Out

I have a cou­ple philoso­phies as I am an apart­ment dweller out­side NYC with lit­tle space for stor­age, as well as a Bug Out loca­tion 100 miles from my apart­ment. So here are sev­er­al philoso­phies of mine that I think might res­onate with you: Bug­ging Out.... Read more