Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Apartment Security in an Urban area: Bug Out
Here is my perspective on apartment security if you live in an urban or suburban area. There is none… If you have prepped supplies my suggestion they should be for minor natural disasters only. People will be come refugees in a SHTF in urban areas and then they…
American Red Cross’s Preparedness Pages
This is the Red Cross’s Preparedness Pages. This is there suggested “minimums” lists(s) to keep your family prepared for an emergency: http://goo.gl/t2ql. Interestingly — Here is the Red Cross’s site to list yourself safe in a disaster. Make note of it and…
20 Great Uses for Tea Tree Oil in Your Kit
In 2006, the world consumed more than 3.5 billion gallons of oil per day. A lot of that oil has caused environmental damage and conflicts between nations. But there is one type of oil that’s green, sustainable, healthy, and–as far as I know–has never been the…
Urban Resources
OffGridSurvival.com had a post in April regarding Urban Resources. Click the link or see it below. Having a plan of action is critical in any survival situation. Any good Urban Survival plan should have a way to find food, water and other supplies within walking…
Five Dollar Preps You Can Make Weekly
10 Things to do according to MD Creekmore
My Urban Get Home Bag
Car preparedness, Part 5, My Comfort Supplies
Okay, this is the final part in the Car Preparedness series. To me comfort supplies are those extras that will make me just a little more comfortable in the event there is an issue that I might have to contend with. Here is the list: Tent — I keep a four man Eureka…
Conspiracy Theory, with Jesse Ventura Parts 1 of 6
Part 1 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOWWIDT910I Part 2 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73dAikiXoOM Part 3 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFuGBKcyEQw Part 4 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h3dx9baiwE Part 5 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQHxm9gWkNo Part 6…