Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
DIY — Making Bio-diesel In Your Kitchen
So here is a post from a blog about making your own Bio-diesel. I do not use diesel fuel, and I am not an advocate of making flammables at home, but my understanding is that bio-diesel is pretty stable. Check out the post here:
Interesting Post regarding “If The Collapse Never Comes” on, by M.D. Creekmore
Bugging In? Think About Comfort Foods Too.
My Thoughts on the Rule of Threes in the Suburbs and a SHTF Situation
Today, I wanted to discuss the Rule of 3’s, but not the standard Rule of 3’s. These are my additions to the Rule of 3’s that I see as making a difference in deciding to preserve yourself in a SHTF in the suburbs or an urban setting… Any survivalist, military…
My Business Travel Preparedness Kit
This is a modified business travel kit. I have posted about my travel carry before, and it routinely changes. Today, I put in the luggage that I check at the airline, what you see in the picture to the left. I just feel better when traveling for business with a…
Dave Canterbury of Dual Survivor Interviews on
Here are two guys I really respect. Dave Canterbury of the Pathfinder School and Jack Spirko of Can’t wait to listen to this Podcast: Check it out here:
Urban Survival Articles by has some good posts on Urban Survival. Check them out.
DIY — Converting a Lawn Mower Engine Into a Generator
Posts about “My Thoughts” on Suburban Survival Blog.
I want to clarify something for those that may read this blog. I am a neophyte when it comes to the true sense of being a survivalist. i.e. I believe I am a student, always learning. I am by no means a teacher, and by no means someone who runs a survival school. …