Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Three Videos on Freezer Bag Cooking for Camping or Hiking
Simple, Easy & Fast Trail Food httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQVeZ3YFLwY Last Minute Trail Food: Pizza Ramen httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tm91-ZuLJI Trail Food Made Simple: Bean & Rice Burritos httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqsVj-47NYw
Happy Independence Day
Happy Independence day to all. Today is my mother’s birthday, as well as the celebration of our independence from tyranny as a country. I will be reflecting on our freedom, the changes in our country, my life, and more today. I hope you all have a great day with your…
Dave Canterbury’s Site and Information
I have noticed in my statistics when I look at them, many people are doing searches for Dave Canterbury, and come upon a blog post I have when they come upon this web site. So, I thought, because everyone is looking for information that Dave has knowledge of I…

Money, the Forgotten Prep?
I am guilty of this myself. Being in the suburbs of one of the most fascinating cities on the planet (to me) I too am guilty of whipping out a credit card or check card for every purchase. What if the power grid were to go down? What if the banking system went…
DIY — Field Sink Project
All Time Top 10 Conspiracy Theories
Check out the all time top 10 conspiracy theories here: http://goo.gl/eZe5

The Best Commuting Backpack I Have Owned.
Liked This Short Video on Survival-Spot Blog
Check this one out: http://www.survival-spot.com/survival-blog/stocking-up-to-prepare-for-the-worst
DIY — Hand Clothes Washer and Video
On the heels of my post regarding the SHTF DIY washing machine, I found this tool this morning on EmergencyEssentials.com. Check it, and the video out here. Mobile Washer (Hand Operated Washing Machine) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t11WC1lG_Po