Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

The Warning Signs: 6 Indicators of an Impending Financial Crisis in 2023 and 2024

The Emergency Travel Communications Kit
So, business travel seems to be a thing again. I’m not thrilled about it. After staying home for two years, and spending it with my nuclear family, I really don’t want to get back on a plane to travel for business. I’d rather work from home, do my job, and not…

Will Vladimir Putin use Tactical Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine or the United States?
The world holds its breath as the ongoing conflict between Russia, Ukraine, and the United States continues to escalate. With the possibility of Russian President Vladamir Putin using tactical nuclear devices on the Ukraine or the United States, the fear of a nuclear…

The Silicon Valley Bank Failure: What It Means for Your Wallet and the U.S. Economy
Over the past few weeks, news of the Silicon Valley Bank failing has been making headlines, causing worry and concern among investors, businesses, and the general public. The bank, which specializes in providing financing and banking services to technology startups,…

Is the United States Currently on the Brink of Nuclear War with Russia, China, and the Middle East?
In recent years, the world has witnessed a number of geopolitical tensions that threaten to escalate into full-blown conflicts. With the United States at the edge or involved politically with regard to many of these tensions, many of us are wondering whether we are…

9 Signs We’re Living in the Decline of Modern Society and Living in a Pre-Apocalyptic Society
The world as we know it today is a far cry from the utopian visions of the past. I’m a kid of the 1980’s. While President Ronald Reagan had his flaws, he was the first role model outside my parents I paid attention to. It was an era of hope, economic turnaround,…

The Frightening Thought of a Potential FDIC-Backed Banking Bail-In in 2023: What You Need to Know
The economic landscape is constantly changing, and as a result, so are the regulations that govern the financial services industry. The emergence of the FDIC-backed banking bail-in is one of the latest developments that has the potential to significantly impact how…

How the Inflow of Migrants is Impacting American Communities
I suspect, at this writing, this is something you likely already know or have considered, even if in a fragmented fashion over time. I’ll try to keep politics out of this, as we all know, if we are paying attention to how the political landscape is driving the…

Why Understanding Cyber Attacks Is Important For Your Survival
No one knows when or when or where the next cyberattack will occur, but it’s important to be prepared for them just in case. Due to the Ukraine invasion by Vladimir Putin and the Russian army, there is a LOT of talk on the news about potential cyber threats to large…