Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Service Interruption
I wish to apologize to all the readers who came to our site and there was a service interruption today. Rackspace, our host, has moved us to another server, and service was restored… We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience.
Project Update
I lamented two personal prepper issues here and here. A week after the solar oven fail, I successfully made the Arroz Con Pollo in about five hours in the sun. My lot’s shady profile presented a challenge, but I made it work. The only issue was I had to put it in the…

Endless Fall – Part 2: A Time To Be Thankful?
Note: The following is the second installment of a series that represents a first-hand chronicle of a fictional economic collapse in the United States. This series is to be viewed as only one possible scenario. November 13 – 35 days after Black Swan Day …

Review of 5‑Minute Microwave Canning
First, this is an interesting book… I 5‑Minute Microwave Canning to see if there was a shortcut to canning, and to help me understand if you could can/jar using a microwave. If so, what foods you can can/jar. My first disappointment was not with the book itself.…
Saturday Videos
Water Filter for Bug Out Bag — Urban Survival httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8yIuDigXwc OCCUPY Wall Street: NYC — Real, Informed, Justifiably Angry Americans httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOcoYdZ3JaE International Travel EDC…
The Time Is Now, and It’s Not Too Late
I’m sitting in another damn airport. Not bitching, however, just another damn airport. I have to rant a bit. The time is now. The time is now if you are not a prepper to prep. The conversations I have had with friends who are in the real world (Middle America)…
And So It Goes, More Economic Crap
Do You Have a Meal Plan if the SHTF (A Poll)
Holy Survivalist / Prepper Resource List!!!
http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/index.html http://www.manytracks.com/lathe/default.htm http://www.jungletraining.com/resources.htm http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/education/pdf/Mapreadingmadeeasy.pdf http://www.survivalistboards.com/downloads.php …