A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Project Update

I lament­ed two per­son­al prep­per issues here and here. A week after the solar oven fail, I suc­cess­ful­ly made the Arroz Con Pol­lo in about five hours in the sun. My lot’s shady pro­file pre­sent­ed a chal­lenge, but I made it work. The only issue was I had to put it in the…

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Review of 5‑Minute Microwave Canning

Review of 5‑Minute Microwave Canning

First, this is an inter­est­ing book…  I 5‑Minute Microwave Can­ning to see if there was a short­cut  to can­ning, and to help me under­stand if you could can/jar using a microwave.  If so, what foods you can can/jar.  My first dis­ap­point­ment was not with the book itself.…

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And So It Goes, More Economic Crap

Con­fir­ma­tion has come to me that the econ­o­my, real estate, and things in our coun­try just real­ly suck.  I had din­ner with anoth­er friend last night who lost her house this year due to state of the econ­o­my and the way her mort­gage was struc­tured.  Side note; it seems I…

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Holy Survivalist / Prepper Resource List!!!

http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/index.html  http://www.manytracks.com/lathe/default.htm  http://www.jungletraining.com/resources.htm  http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/education/pdf/Mapreadingmadeeasy.pdf http://www.survivalistboards.com/downloads.php …

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