Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Review of the Timber Wolf “Blazin” Bowie Knife

Review of the Timber Wolf “Blazin” Bowie Knife

Last fall I wrote a post about three bud­get knives you might want in your pack because they were inex­pen­sive.  Last week­end, I had the chance to bring one of them camp­ing as we ope­nend up the camp­site for the sea­son.  Pri­or to going I gave the Tim­ber Wolf Blazin Bowie…

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Policy, Law, and the Free Man by Jesse Mathewson

It has been a per­son­al stance of mine that lib­er­ty, not be tied to a piece of paper, gov­ern­ment or phi­los­o­phy that includes the state for over two years now. This is a per­son­al phi­los­o­phy that will like­ly see change, evo­lu­tion of the mind in the future. This jour­ney…

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