Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Filling a Hole In My Preps, Fruits, Vegetables, and the New Dehydrator

Review of the Timber Wolf “Blazin” Bowie Knife
Last fall I wrote a post about three budget knives you might want in your pack because they were inexpensive. Last weekend, I had the chance to bring one of them camping as we openend up the campsite for the season. Prior to going I gave the Timber Wolf Blazin Bowie…

Thoughts on a Storage Unit as a Fallback Shelter or Bug Out Location
This is a response to @Alex516 who asked the following question, which made me think a little deeper on the subject, and I thought it would make a good post: @Alex516 asked: “I’d be curious about your thoughts for using a storage unit as a layover. I’m thinking about…
Examining the Requirement for Multiple Short Term Bug Out Locations
Family Preparedness Mindset — A Lesson Learned by Matthew Brown
My family and I recently attended a wedding in Michigan near the Sleeping Bear sand dunes. We went up for the weekend and I knew that the weather was going to be unpredictable. I packed accordingly with my waterproof shell, my hiking shoes and your typical…
Policy, Law, and the Free Man by Jesse Mathewson
It has been a personal stance of mine that liberty, not be tied to a piece of paper, government or philosophy that includes the state for over two years now. This is a personal philosophy that will likely see change, evolution of the mind in the future. This journey…
I’m Different… An Observation(s) from the Field of Life
I’ve been on a long overdue vacation this past week. Several years overdue, in fact. But I learned something quite by accident that I would like to share. While traveling with a group of friends outside the United States, one of which was getting married (I and two…
The Path of the Gun; explaining the virtue in the martial art that involves firearms, by Jesse Mathewson
As an individual who believes in Liberty, Non-Aggression, Self-Defense, Self-Ownership and a Free Market without state interference it is Jesse’s firm belief that we should all be better students in life. His autodactic education in American History, World Religious…
Pandemic Thoughts, and How’s Your NBC & Quarantine Gear?
As I spend time writing this post, I am on a plane watching the film Contigion. If you have not seen it, it’s a film about a pandemic that started and begins to be widely spread by those traveling. As the film progresses, it is found that the pandemic is a deeply…