Saturday Videos

Under­stand­ing Chick­ens & Eggs : The His­to­ry of Chick­ens How Clean and Dress a Squir­rel  How to Make a Fox­hole Radio Female Per­spec­tive on Sur­vival­ism and Pre­pared­ness Portable Pow­er Sta­tion — Urban Sur­vival... Read more
Review of 5‑Minute Microwave Canning

Review of 5‑Minute Microwave Canning

First, this is an inter­est­ing book…  I 5‑Minute Microwave Can­ning to see if there was a short­cut  to can­ning, and to help me under­stand if you could can/jar using a microwave.  If so, what foods you can can/jar.  My first dis­ap­point­ment... Read more