Happy New Year, A New Chapter Begins, 2012

Hel­lo every­one, and Hap­py New Year.  A cou­ple of house clean­ing items today on the first day of Jan­u­ary, 2012.  First, it was a fast year.  I can­not believe that 2011 year has flown by so quick­ly.  I can say that I cer­tain­ly did not... Read more

Argentina, Fascism after Default

I reviewed Fer­nan­do Fer­fal Aguir­re’s book last post and he has a lot of fol­low-up posts on his blog. Also time­ly are some arti­cles from Paul Krug­man and Megan McAr­dle regard­ing Argenti­na’s default and how great it was for... Read more