Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
Lost In Wild Arizona With Cody Lundin
Part 1 httpv:// Part 2 httpv://‑o Part 3 httpv:// Part 4 httpv://
DIY — Make Charcloth for your Bug Out Bag
I have not made any yet, but plan on it in short order. Charcloth looks like it is an easy way to get an ember burning so that you can start a fire… httpv://
The Heirloom Experiment: I Recently Bought Heirloom Seeds To Attempt To Grow A Garden
I didn’t go crazy on them or spend $100.00 for a cache of seeds either… I bought them off of Ebay, which may have been a mistake, but I didn’t spend more than $20.00 plus shipping on a small cache of seeds. I first want to experiment with them, see if I can grow…
Food Storage Guide
Here are two pages that list a wide variety of foods, condiments etc. and their approximate shelf life when stored at room temperature, and also when refrigerated or frozen. The web pages were archived from the North Dakota State University’s Agriculture website;…
Cody Lundin, Interview on His Book “When All Hell Breaks Loose”
Hyperinflation and Empty Store Shelves Coming To America?
Simple Inexpensive Lighting When There Is No Power
So, I was walking through Walmart one day getting ready to pick up a new football to play catch with on a camping trip, when I walked past the outdoor patio stuff, and it hit me… Cheap lighting for home. Renewable, too… Hmmm… Solar lawn lighting. I went over…
Survival Cooking With Aluminum Foil
I always carry aluminum foil. In fact, in my Altoids kit there are two square feet of aluminum foil. I carry it because if I need a makeshift bowl or need to cook something I have what I need to do the job, and can possibly reuse it if I had to. I only carry enough…
Urban and Suburban Survival — Handling Dead Bodies in a SHTF
Well, this is a topic that many don’t even want to discuss… However, if there is a major breakdown in society or a huge major disaster, man made or not, could be a reality in an urban or suburban situation. Handling dead bodies is something that I have thought…
DIY — Old Fashioned Torch for Light
Please note that they are relatively unstable and should not be used for anything other than emergency or novelty purposes. I.E. I do not suggest using these to be part of some sort of dungeon themed room since they would probably light your house on fire. **Be…