Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
Made In The USA? No Made In Elsewhere.
This may end up being more of a rant than not, but I wanted to write a little blurb about how I am trying to buy these days. I have been looking for “Made in USA” labels recently. I have a strong belief that money that circulates here in our country is better served…
This Is Why I Like Cody Lundin
A Friend Has Lost Everything, Checked Into a Men’s Shelter…
This post is very close to my heart… It pains me to write it, as it affects a friend of mine directly, that refuses help, as I will illustrate. I have a friend I got a call from this week. He has lost his job, his apartment, much of his clothing, his parents…
Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Self and Family? Really.
Okay, the truth is I commented on a post over at SHTF Plan, on his post “When is it Okay to Defend Your Life and Your Family?” Intellectually you might think, any time someone I don’t want on my property is there, or anytime someone threatens my family and I. Well,…
Auto Parts Stores for Preps or Last Minute Preps if the SHTF
Talk about Senate Bill 510 or S510
There has been a lot of chatter about Senate Bill 510 recently, and I do not see much reporting on it. What I do see is a lot of rumor and innuendo about it, and I have to be honest, that I must do more in depth research myself. However, in light of recent chatter…
Do You Live In a Constitution Free Zone
I sure don’t. Wondering what a “Constitution Free Zone” is? So was I until about an hour ago. A Constitution Free Zone is the area “within “100-miles of the US land and coastal borders.” Airports are also in these zones, regardless of their geographic location.…
Email / Form Issues
Having some Email and Form issues so I am not receiving new emails from the site. Moved to a new email provider and working out the details… Updates shortly.
Our Trip To Al-Qaeda Trailer
This looks interesting and I may watch this on HBO. I try to keep my political rants to a minimum, but our war on terror is something I feel strongly about. Check out the trailer here: httpv://
Five Minute Bug Out at Survival Spot Blog
Today, I came across a video at the Survival Spot Blog entitled “Five Minute Bug Out.” You can check out the video below. I may actually try this exercise in the coming week or two. I may set up a poll as to what type of scenario to be in. The poll will let you…