Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent.  It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again.  Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too…  I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

Made In The USA? No Made In Elsewhere.

Made In The USA? No Made In Elsewhere.

This may end up being more of a rant than not, but I want­ed to write a lit­tle blurb about how I am try­ing to buy these days.  I have been look­ing for “Made in USA” labels recent­ly.  I have a strong belief that mon­ey that cir­cu­lates here in our coun­try is bet­ter served…

A Friend Has Lost Everything, Checked Into a Men’s Shelter…

A Friend Has Lost Everything, Checked Into a Men’s Shelter…

This post is very close to my heart…  It pains me to write it, as it affects a friend of mine direct­ly, that refus­es help, as I will illus­trate. I have a friend I got a call from this week.  He has lost his job, his apart­ment, much of his cloth­ing,  his par­ents…

Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Self and Family?  Really.

Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Self and Family? Really.

Okay, the truth is I com­ment­ed on a post over at SHTF Plan, on his post “When is it Okay to Defend Your Life and Your Fam­i­ly?”  Intel­lec­tu­al­ly you might think, any time some­one I don’t want on my prop­er­ty is there, or any­time some­one threat­ens my fam­i­ly and I.  Well,…

Talk about Senate Bill 510 or S510

There has been a lot of chat­ter about Sen­ate Bill 510 recent­ly, and I do not see much report­ing on it.  What I do see is a lot of rumor and innu­en­do about it, and I have to be hon­est, that I must do more in depth research myself.  How­ev­er, in light of recent chat­ter…

Email / Form Issues

Hav­ing some Email and Form issues so I am not receiv­ing new emails from the site.  Moved to a new email provider and work­ing out the details…  Updates short­ly.

Our Trip To Al-Qaeda Trailer

This looks inter­est­ing and I may watch this on HBO.  I try to keep my polit­i­cal rants to a min­i­mum, but  our war on ter­ror is some­thing I feel strong­ly about.  Check out the trail­er here: httpv://

Five Minute Bug Out at Survival Spot Blog

Today, I came across a video at the Sur­vival Spot Blog enti­tled “Five Minute Bug Out.”  You can check out the video below. I may actu­al­ly try this exer­cise in the com­ing week or two.  I may set up a poll as to what type of sce­nario to be in.  The poll will let you…


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