Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
Saturday Videos and a Bit More
A couple days ago MD Creekmore over at posted a pretty good article on “Survival for the Apartment Dweller.” Thought I would share it with you today. Now for Saturday Videos: Firefight: A Nutnfancy .22 Drill…
Ultra Light Weight Shelter for Your Bug Out Bag
As I start to prepare my gear for my Bug Out Weekend, and I re-evaluate what is in my Bug Out Bag, I may be looking to replace or eliminate some gear if I think it is redundant. This is the first time I am really taking a “harder” look at my Bug Out Bag. It is true,…
Pigeon? For Dinner?
Okay, I was in the car for about four hours today… I had some time to think… My mind started to wander, and the gears were spinning. I asked myself, if the S#!t has hit the fan while I was in Philadelphia, and I knew no one. If food supplies are low and I was in…
My “Electronic” Survival Library
NOTE: I am Updating this post and the updated data/files can be found here: http://www.suburbansurvivalblog/updated-survival-library/ My Web Host is asking I change where my documents are hosted, and am moving them to another document hosting service. The new post…
The Design of a Bug Out Weekend Gear Test
I joined, not too long ago, a preparedness meetup group in Northern NJ. There seem to be only a few of us that are regulars and show up once a month to the meeting. There are various other members of the group that may make it depending on their schedules or not.…
Plans to Build a Garden Box and Fall Gardens
I have plans. I always have plans. But one of my plans this fall is to build a raised garden box the size of a table I have on the deck of my apartment. It is worthy investment, assuming I am going to stay in this spot for the next couple of years so I can reap the…
Saturday Videos
Today’s Edutainment on Hulu, Episode One of Survival School How to Make Waterproof Tinder for Fire Starting httpv:// Urban Indoor Secret Survival Garden httpv:// Water Shortage — Urban Survival…
I Ordered My ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
I ordered my ARRL Ham Radio License Manual this week. It was predicated on the Northern NJ Meetup I attended a couple weeks ago, and another gentleman I met at the meetup some time ago that has his Ham license. There is a lot of chatter in the survivalist world…
A Fine From the TSA… I Should Have Expected It…
Remember that little post I wrote a month or so ago about my morning at Newark Airport? Well about 30 days ago, I get a letter in the mail from the TSA. What did it say you might ask? Well, they imposed a $250.00 civil penalty against me. I am assuming this paid…
DIY — Making Makeshift Shoes Out of Tires Post SHTF
NOTE: I found this post here, and thought it interesting enough as a DIY project you can file in the back of your head or put on your USB drive to carry around with you: This seems sort of odd…but in a post disaster world that may not get back to producing things…