Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent.  It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again.  Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too…  I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

Saturday Videos

Sce­nario-Dead­ly Force is used to pro­tect our food. httpv:// Can­ning But­ter httpv:// Nut­n­fan­cy — Mini 14 Against The World, part 1 httpv:// Nut­n­fan­cy — Mini 14…

Duct Tape as a Survival Tool

Sigh, So here I was, about to write a post about some or many of the uses of Duct Tape in a sur­vival sit­u­a­tion.  Just before I sat down to write this post, I did a last minute search for Duct Tape and Sur­vival…  I should not have been sur­prised when I found many…

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Four

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Four

Okay, in part four Team­work for Sub­ur­ban and Urban Sur­vival, today we talk about a list of skills that we may think are impor­tant for you, your friends, and team to know in a short or long term sur­vival sit­u­a­tion.  As I scour the Inter­net for lists of essen­tial skills…

The Case For Non-Lethal Defense

Guest Post by a read­er who wish­es to remain anony­mous. You can’t get away from it. Prepping/survival blogs, web­sites, books, videos etc. all inevitable (and some­times ini­tial­ly too) dis­cuss the need for a defense strat­e­gy in the face of a SHTF event lead­ing to liv­ing…

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Three

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Three

Yes­ter­day, I fin­ished up the post by illus­trat­ing the old west.  Wouldn’t it be great to roll up on a small town that is iso­lat­ed from the rest of soci­ety, is self suf­fi­cient, has a great agri­cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty, steel mill, pow­er plant, hon­est peo­ple with good skills,…

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Two

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part Two

Did you give some thought yes­ter­day to who your friends are and what skills they have?  Are they doc­tors, lawyers, black­smith, vet­eri­nar­i­an, phar­ma­cist, con­struc­tion work­ers, etc?  How about your­self?  What skills do you have?  What skills can you teach, barter, or…

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part One

Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part One

Is it inevitable; A dis­as­ter of cat­a­stroph­ic pro­por­tion that changes everyone’s liv­ing sit­u­a­tion going for­ward for good?  Is liv­ing post dis­as­ter just an unfore­seen real­i­ty that many of us have not expe­ri­enced yet?  Look at Haiti just over a year ago.  Look at…

Saturday Videos

Three SHTF Nutri­tion­al Pow­er­house­’s httpv:// Who Will Die First in a SHTF:  A WARNING (Thanks to one of my read­ers for bring­ing my atten­tion to this video.  It is direct, to the point, and I think every­one should watch this and…

Wow, What a Week.  A few Updates, a Passed Up Savage, and More…

Wow, What a Week. A few Updates, a Passed Up Savage, and More…

Well, what a week it has been.  The crazy news, the weath­er here in the north­east, work is crazy, and the week­end is going to be about catch­ing up and be just as nuts.  Cur­rent­ly, I am in the process of read­ing a book by Scott B. Williams called “Astray of the Herd:…


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