So after my test of the Ammo in my Hen­ry AR‑7 this past week­end, I emailed Hen­ry’s cus­tomer ser­vice depart­ment with a sim­ple ques­tion about the mis-feed­ing of the ammu­ni­tion.  To my sur­prise, I received an email from the CEO/President of the the com­pa­ny apol­o­giz­ing about the prob­lems with the AR‑7, and that they would like me to send the unit back for review, and repair if nec­es­sary.  They also men­tioned it would be a 21 day turn­around.  I asked if I could sim­ply drop it off at their loca­tion in Bay­onne, NJ, but he again replied say­ing it had to be shipped.  I cer­tain­ly under­stand not sway­ing from process, assum­ing it is going back to the NJ loca­tion.  

I request­ed the UPS ship­ping label they said they would send to me, and I will be send­ing the unit back to them for review.  If there is an issue with mine, there may be an issue with sev­er­al oth­ers out there that say they have the same prob­lem as I do.  If they can fix this, it would be great so that the unit is more ammo friend­ly.

So far, my impres­sion is very favor­able of Hen­ry’s cus­tomer ser­vice.  If they can fix the the issue, I will be excit­ed.  If they can­not, at least they tried, were proac­tive, and respond­ed, which is more than I can say for many orga­ni­za­tions today who out­source their cus­tomer ser­vice.  The CEO replied to me.  Let’s see what they can do next.