I had my Hen­ry AR‑7 Sur­vival .22 out this past week­end to do a lit­tle tar­get shoot­ing.  The more I use it, the more I am not sure I am hap­py with the front and rear site on it.  The rear site is a peep hole, and I guess I may just not be used to that.  But that is not what this post is about.  This brief post is about using three dif­fer­ent types of ammu­ni­tion in the Hen­ry this week­end to see what the results would be.  If you have read the past posts on the Hen­ry, you know I have had some trou­ble with stan­dard lead rounds of var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers.

So, I went to the range this week­end with CCI brand ammu­ni­tion in “Stan­dard, Maxi Mag, and High Veloc­i­ty” rounds.  I used each one with four mag­a­zines for each of the three types of ammu­ni­tion for reli­a­bil­i­ty pur­pos­es.  First, I loaded up the stan­dard veloc­i­ty CCI.  I will pref­ace this by say­ing that in a stan­dard mag­a­zine in both my Wather P22 and my Ruger 10/22 this ammu­ni­tion feeds flaw­less­ly.  How­ev­er, in the Hen­ry, after cham­ber­ing the first round of the stan­dard veloc­i­ty, I could not get a sub­se­quent round to feed cor­rect­ly.  Almost every round that would try to cham­ber after expend­ing a pre­vi­ous round would get caught on the bar­rel as it was try­ing to feed ruin­ing the round because the soft lead would bend and dent.  I would then have to man­u­al­ly charge anoth­er, expend it, and the sub­se­quent round again would jam.  Even­tu­al­ly, I would like to try anoth­er Hen­ry just to see if it is mine that is hav­ing this issue.  If you own one, I would be curi­ous to hear about your expe­ri­ence with a soft lead round.

The sec­ond round that I loaded and test­ed was the CCI Maxi Mag cop­per coat­ed round.  Again, I loaded two mag­a­zines and then reloaded the two addi­tion­al mag­a­zines with addi­tion­al rounds.  The fed flaw­less­ly every time.  Round after round fed and eject­ed per­fect­ly.  The cost of 100 rounds was $7.95 at a local gun shop in my home town in PA.

The third set of rounds test­ed in four mag­a­zine loads was the CCI High Veloc­i­ty coat­ed round.  These also fed and eject­ed per­fect­ly every time.  I did­n’t real­ly notice much of a dif­fer­ence in how the Maxi Mag or the High Veloc­i­ty rounds per­formed against one anoth­er, and the High Veloc­i­ty rounds were $8.95 for 100 rounds.

The dif­fer­ence I saw in the High Veloc­i­ty round and the Maxi Mag round were the coat­ing on the round.  The Maxi Mag rounds were a duller cop­per coat­ing than the High Veloc­i­ty rounds I pur­chased.

So, what I learned is that the coat­ed rounds are obvi­ous­ly bet­ter per­form­ers than the stan­dard round in the Hen­ry AR‑7.  I know that Hen­ry just re-released the Hen­ry, and mine is a gen­er­a­tion old­er than the ver­sion that was just released.  Whether there were improve­ments to the receiv­er for feed­ing a soft lead round or not is a mys­tery to me at this junc­ture.

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