by Mr-Jones | Jul 29, 2011 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Bug Out Vehicle, But Out Bag, Preparedness, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
This is a guest post by a new contributing Author Mr-Jones. Mr-Jones and I know each other primarily from Facebook, and some of the same forums, and have become fast friends, online. I have asked him to contribute when he can, and I greatly... Read more
by suburban | Jul 25, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I wanted to share this with you. The series was mentioned to me by a friend that is also a prepper. It seems it came out in 2009, but thought it relevant as many urban and suburban preppers I know are worried about dirty bombs, especially in NYC... Read more
by ST | Jul 19, 2011 | Civil Unrest, Crime, Guest Posts, Guns & Weapons, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
“Take cover!” A common and clichéd line from everything from old westerns to sci-fi television shows and movies to even some cartoons. But while entertaining, it is a tactical issue to be understood in the event of an SHTF event that leads to WROL. Even... Read more
by Prepperjim | Jul 6, 2011 | first aid, Health, Jobs, Politics, Self Reliance, suburban survival
I recently completed my Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. First some background and then an evaluation from a prepper perspective. CERT’s were formed in the wake of the September 11th attacks via executive order. The training... Read more
by suburban | Jun 27, 2011 | Bug Out, Bug Out Vehicle, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Recently, I read a post over at Scott William’s, Bug-Out Survival blog called 4x4 Tent Trailers for Hauling Your Stuff Off Road. Without going into great detail, I have looked at these before with great interest, primarily because I drive an SUV.... Read more
by ST | Jun 21, 2011 | Crime, Economy, Guest Posts, Politics, Shelter, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Everyone loves a scapegoat. Throughout history whenever something terrible happens either for reasons too complex for the common person to grasp or just the culmination of many other events people as a whole try to seek out someone, some group of... Read more