by suburban | Jun 20, 2010 | Books, Bushcraft, Cooking, DIY, Energy, Fire, first aid, Fishing, Food, Gear, Health, Hunting, Hygiene, Improvised Gear, Iphone/Smartphone, Knots, Medicinal, Navigation, Physical Fitness, Plants, Politics, Preparedness, Psychology, Shelter, suburban survival, Water, Weather
When I bought my iPhone last year, I quickly realized it had the potential to be a survival tool My search for iPhone apps under “camping, hiking, and survival” quickly returned many options for me. I have tried a bunch of them, and am using the... Read more
by suburban | Jun 19, 2010 | suburban survival, Urban Survival
Here is a blog post written by a guy that is a little gloom and doom on suburban survival. Again, I agree with some of this and disagree with some of it as well. I am of the opinion if the SHTF, hiccup or TEOTWAWKI, you need to get the hell ourt of... Read more
by suburban | Jun 18, 2010 | suburban survival, Urban Survival
Check out this three part blog series on Preparedness Pro Rural or Urban Preparedness Part I Rural or Urban Preparedness Part II Rural or Urban Preparedness Part III Read more
by suburban | Jun 18, 2010 | Preparedness, suburban survival
I don’t agree with everything in this article, but to each their own. There is some good information here, that you may or may not already know, so I suggest you take a quick read. Check it out here: Read more
by suburban | Jun 12, 2010 | Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
This is about 18 or so months old, but I think it holds true and wanted to share it. I read it about a year ago, and combing though again today, I came across this post:... Read more
by suburban | Jun 6, 2010 | suburban survival, Urban Survival
I subscribe to the videos by Nutnfancy on Youtube. Thought this would be good for everyone to see… He has over 600 videos, reviews, and some excellent information on the Urban Survival Kit in this video series: Part 1: Concept U.S.K.”... Read more