by suburban | Jul 29, 2012 | Personal, Preparedness, Prepping
First, thanks to everyone for continuing to read and signing up for the list to get notified of new posts. To that end , you have no doubt noticed a lack of new posts, with the exception of a few of my guest authors. I thank them as well for their... Read more
by suburban | Jun 18, 2012 | DIY, Food, General, Preparedness, Prepping
I always knew I had a damaging hole in my food preparations. I have quite a few proteins. In fact I consistently rotate my proteins because I use them in every day life. I also need to boost some of the protein preps, as an aside. However, what are/were... Read more
by suburban | Mar 23, 2012 | Pandemic, Preparedness, Prepping, suburban survival, Urban Survival
As I spend time writing this post, I am on a plane watching the film Contigion. If you have not seen it, it’s a film about a pandemic that started and begins to be widely spread by those traveling. As the film progresses, it is found that the pandemic is... Read more
by suburban | Mar 4, 2012 | Prepping
I watched it. I saved them on my DVR, and watched them. You watched them. We watched them. We critiqued each prepper based on what we have and know. Admit it. You secretly did. I know I did. As the scenario was laid... Read more
by suburban | Feb 13, 2012 | Fire, Gear, Improvised Gear, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, Weather
I know. Everyone has done a YouTube lesson on how to build one of these inexpensive emergency heaters for your car. Honestly, I had to try it for myself to be sure that it “worked.” Many people use empty steel coffee cans, some people improvise and use... Read more
by suburban | Feb 10, 2012 | Bug In, Food, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance
I like breakfast for dinner. I do. I have James Bond’s fetish for scrambled eggs. Give me scrambled eggs, an omelet, or frittata any day of the week and I am a happy guy. So, tonight, we make breakfast for dinner. I have... Read more