by suburban | Jan 26, 2012 | But Out Bag, EDC, Gear, Knives, Prepping, Survival Gear
In a short sighted ambitious attempt to think about learning more skills, I wanted, and continue to want to learn how to make a knife out aof a blank piece of steel. It is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, as does a buddy of mine.... Read more
by ST | Dec 13, 2011 | Gardening, Guest Posts, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, Urban Survival
2011 was a pretty good year farming wise at home. For an urban (I do consider myself urban) backyard container farm we did pretty good. And more importantly, we learned a lot to apply for next year. Starting out we added several new containers to our... Read more
by suburban | Nov 23, 2011 | Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance
My kids will tell you if it is not on sale and we do not have a coupon we do not need it. Having this mentality will help you to save money and build your stockpile of life sustaining goods. I am sure by now many of us have seen shows on television with... Read more
by suburban | Nov 11, 2011 | Personal, Preparedness, Prepping
A very short post today… So, I took it upon myself to to re-arrange my food storage last night, repack some of it, consolidate some of it, and just make it a bit more organized. Honestly, it is still not where I want it. However, I needed to make... Read more
by Prepperjim | Nov 2, 2011 | Civil Unrest, Crime, Economy, Gold and Silver, Money, Personal, Prepping
I read this article and became really concerned, frightened even. The figures from payroll taxes reported to the Social Security Administration on jobs and pay are, in a word, awful. Even more alarming is this graph with the title “Fewer Jobs,... Read more
by suburban | Oct 31, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Cooking, Guns & Weapons, Personal, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Last week, I had dinner with three other preppers. One was new, and the two others I have been in touch with for some time. We all live in Northern NJ, and are concerned with the economy, job growth, Bugging In, Bugging Out, etc. The... Read more