Prepper Jim’s Pocket EDC

Prepper Jim’s Pocket EDC

“You know you are a prep­per if it takes five min­utes to load your pock­ets each time you leave the house.” The sub­ject of gear seems to be of great inter­est to the prep­per com­mu­ni­ty so I will address my gear-relat­ed items from time-to-time. I have come to... Read more

What I Did First, by PrepperJim

I am going to pref­ace Prep­per­Jim’s post today with a brief state­ment, and say that I real­ly per­son­al­ly enjoyed this post, as it let me know that I was not alone in mak­ing my own mis­takes.   Mak­ing mis­takes is how many of us learn, espe­cial­ly when we... Read more