Prepper Evangelical

Prepper Evangelical

I read ST’s post from last week and start­ed think­ing about how to con­vert peo­ple to our pre­pared­ness mind­set. To be frank, I think it is almost impos­si­ble to change peo­ple’s ideas on just about any sub­ject. Their opin­ions have been formed over... Read more
The Interesting Road to Actually Bugging Out, Thoughts During a Mandatory Evacuation

The Interesting Road to Actually Bugging Out, Thoughts During a Mandatory Evacuation

Yes­ter­day, I received an email, and text mes­sage from the local emer­gency sys­tem I was signed up for.  The may­or of my town, and the coun­ty, I believe, insti­tut­ed a manda­to­ry evac­u­a­tion of homes due to flood­ing from the Pas­sa­ic Riv­er.  As I... Read more