A Friend Has Lost Everything, Checked Into a Men’s Shelter…

A Friend Has Lost Everything, Checked Into a Men’s Shelter…

This post is very close to my heart…  It pains me to write it, as it affects a friend of mine direct­ly, that refus­es help, as I will illus­trate. I have a friend I got a call from this week.  He has lost his job, his apart­ment, much of his cloth­ing,... Read more
Why I Write About Cooking and Food

Why I Write About Cooking and Food

I, like many oth­ers in our coun­try, are VERY accus­tomed to just get­ting in the car, going to the gro­cery store and pick­ing up our food for the week.  Hon­est­ly, I grew up this way.  While many of my friends and their fam­i­lies ran farms, I was a... Read more