by suburban | Oct 8, 2010 | Bug Out, But Out Bag, Gear, Shelter, suburban survival, Urban Survival
As I start to prepare my gear for my Bug Out Weekend, and I re-evaluate what is in my Bug Out Bag, I may be looking to replace or eliminate some gear if I think it is redundant. This is the first time I am really taking a “harder” look at my Bug Out... Read more
by suburban | Oct 5, 2010 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, But Out Bag, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I joined, not too long ago, a preparedness meetup group in Northern NJ. There seem to be only a few of us that are regulars and show up once a month to the meeting. There are various other members of the group that may make it depending on their... Read more
by suburban | Sep 27, 2010 | Bug Out, But Out Bag, Gear, Improvised Gear, Preparedness, Survival Gear, Urban Survival
When I worked in NYC (post 9/11), I was always wondering how I was going to store any type of gear to get me across two rivers into NJ to my apartment, so I could bug in or bug out if the SHTF and the bridges and tunnels were shut down. I decided on, but... Read more
by suburban | Sep 5, 2010 | Bug In, Bug Out, But Out Bag, Health, Hygiene, Psychology, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I have been eying up no rinse shampoo and no rinse body bath for some time on This week I bought them and they came in… I have to tell you, I think they are going to be outstanding additions to my Bug Out Bag and for Camping. If you follow this... Read more
by suburban | Sep 2, 2010 | Bug In, Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Bug Out Vehicle, But Out Bag, Preparedness
The title says it all. I am not going to write a bunch about this. Just listen to the podcast: Episode-502- Bugging In vs. Bugging Out – Answering with... Read more
by suburban | Aug 17, 2010 | Bug In, Bug Out, But Out Bag, Cooking, DIY, Preparedness, Stoves, Urban Survival
Instructables .com has instructions on how to build an Altoids Tin Stove that you can throw in your car, bug out bag, etc… I am probably going to build one of these to drop in my Get Home Bag in my car, because I already have a hiking stove in my Bug Out... Read more