Prepper Jim’s Pocket EDC

“You know you are a prep­per if it takes five min­utes to load your pock­ets each time you leave the house.” The sub­ject of gear seems to be of great inter­est to the prep­per com­mu­ni­ty so I will address my gear-relat­ed items from time-to-time. I have come to... Read more

Grab Paper

A post by a guest author who would like to remain anony­mous Arti­cles and videos abound that dis­cuss grab bags (aka “bug out bags”) for a SHTF event. Each varies some­what for con­tent but in gen­er­al they all men­tion tak­ing sup­plies of food, water,... Read more

My New Boots

This may be a mun­dane post by com­par­i­son to oth­ers, but I had to tell you about my new boots.  Per­son­al­ly, I hate win­ter boots.  I think most of them actu­al­ly suck at the job they are sup­posed to do.  I know how to dress for the cold, I... Read more