Suburbansurvival Blog

Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness

Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

Yikes, Inflation, Deflation, Bankers, and the Future

I saw this on yes­ter­day, but only Part One was list­ed on the site.  I watched it, and this made so much sense to me I found parts one and two and want­ed to share with you.  Mike Mal­oney dis­cuss­es infla­tion, defla­tion, and more and quite prob­a­bly…

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Pedialyte For A Survival Situation

Pedialyte For A Survival Situation

So, I was in South Flori­da on busi­ness last week.  I had to take clients out to din­ner, and had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see some friends.  Admit­ted­ly, I knew I was going to be con­sum­ing amounts of alco­hol over the course of the week that were high­er than nor­mal for me.  In…

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How Do You Classify a SHTF Event?

How Do You Classify a SHTF Event?

I tend to think a lot when I have a lit­tle down time.  I was on the plane for work this week and it hit me, that I am not sure h0w I would clas­si­fy what type of an event and how severe it was before I were going to bug out or bug in.  The more thought I put into it…

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Your Home Crisis Guidebook for a Survival Situation or a SHTF

Your Home Crisis Guidebook for a Survival Situation or a SHTF

Fam­i­ly.  They say fam­i­ly is one of the most impor­tant things in life. If it is just you and the wife or you and the hus­band, they are fam­i­ly. If you have kids, and your kids have kids, now that’s a fam­i­ly, and no doubt they are very impor­tant to you. If you are…

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A Note From “Suburban”

I’m read­ing a new book.  It’s very modi­va­tion­al, and it has me a bit pumped up.  It is cap­i­tal­iz­ing abit on social media trends, but makes a LOT of sense in oth­er areas.  So, this prompts me to write this post, which is much dif­fer­ent than many of my oth­ers.  It is…

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Another Review Of The Henry AR‑7 Survival Rifle

Another Review Of The Henry AR‑7 Survival Rifle

I came across this review of the Hen­ry AR‑7 Sur­vival rifle this morn­ing, and thought I would share with you.  I’ve just come across this blog recent­ly, and the author has many gun reviews, which I find rather help­ful along with the respect­ed Nut­n­fan­cy.  This review is…

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Another Place To Consider for Preps or Last Minute Preps

Another Place To Consider for Preps or Last Minute Preps

It’s Sun­day morn­ing, or it was Sun­day morn­ing, I should say.  I was sit­ting at Star­bucks for the first time in a cou­ple of months, sip­ping on a cof­fee try­ing to read a book, when a cou­ple of old­er women sat down next to me, and start­ed yap­ping and gos­sip­ing, being,…

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