I saw this on TheSurvivalistBlog.net yes­ter­day, but only Part One was list­ed on the site.  I watched it, and this made so much sense to me I found parts one and two and want­ed to share with you.  Mike Mal­oney dis­cuss­es infla­tion, defla­tion, and more and quite prob­a­bly piss­es every­one in the con­fer­ence room off, but some­one has to say it.  Check it out.  Infor­ma­tive and scary where we may be going.

It seems to me there is not a bet­ter time to start prep­ping, and become more self suf­fi­cient and self reliant.  This is scary to me.  We real­ly do need an econ­o­my where our mon­ey stays here (in our coun­try)  instead of going else­where.

Part One:  $10 Oil? Mike Mal­oney Schools Bankers on Defla­tion, Gold and Sil­ver

Part Two:  $10 Oil? Mike Mal­oney Schools Bankers on Defla­tion, Gold and Sil­ver