So, it’s been sev­er­al weeks since I wrote a post about my friend who lost every­thing and is basi­cal­ly start­ing over from the neg­a­tive.  Today while at a con­fer­ence in NYC, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to jump in a cab and go vis­it him.  Three weeks ago he took a com­mis­sion only sales posi­tion with a com­pa­ny, and has quick­ly risen to the num­ber one sales per­son in the com­pa­ny.  He real­ly is a good sales per­son.  

I’m very hap­py and proud of him.  He is sell­ing an intan­gi­ble product/service over the phone, and today I saw a dra­mat­ic change in his demeanor over the last time I saw him.  While he is still in the shel­ter, he has earned his first pay check, and has made sev­er­al sales since that time.  Work­ing the phones is not easy.  Trust me, I have done it.

My point, here, how­ev­er, is that he took a job with no salary, because he felt he had noth­ing to lose.  With shear deter­mi­na­tion, a pos­i­tive atti­tude, and the will to sur­vive, he is very slow­ly, but pos­i­tive­ly dig­ging him­self out of a hole and cre­at­ing a new future.

I think this is a very impor­tant les­son.  No mat­ter how bad it gets, a pos­i­tive atti­tude and deter­mi­na­tion can make all the dif­fer­ence.  The fact that he did not want to accept help from me or any­one was dis­con­cert­ing sev­er­al weeks ago, but now I think I am begin­ning to under­stand.  I say “Good Job” to my friend, and wish him the best.  I am behind him 110%.

A pos­i­tive atti­tude and deter­mi­na­tion were the basis for a rudi­men­ta­ry sur­vival les­son for me today.  Just thought I would share the update.

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