Today I want to take the time to talk a lit­tle about some­thing I have not.  The title says it all, I think, with the excep­tion of defin­ing what a “Per­son­al SHTF” is because, well, it’s per­son­al.  In today’s econ­o­my, I think that most peo­ple might define a per­son­al SHTF as a job loss.  it seems to be the norm, and it is the one that comes to mind to me when I think of per­son­al SHTF sit­u­a­tions.  Con­verse­ly, it does­n’t have to be a job loss to be a per­son­al SHTF. I have a bud­dy out in AZ that was laid off and rehired with­in 48 hours at a reduced rate and hours.  Yeah, they laid him off instead of ask­ing him to reduce hours and wages to rehire him.  Pret­ty class­less if you ask me, but he lives in a small town and had VERY FEW employ­ment options.  Had they asked he may have just tak­en the cut in hours and pay.  My point though, is that a cut in hours or a cut in pay could be just as finan­cial­ly dev­as­tat­ing as los­ing the job if you can­not make your your bills or feed your fam­i­ly.

I cite these because I made no secret recent­ly that mon­ey is tight recent­ly.  So tight in fact, that a job loss or oth­er seri­ous issue would dev­as­tate me finan­cial­ly and put me in my own per­son­al SHTF sit­u­a­tion.  Thank good­ness that I don’t real­ly feel like this is the case at the moment, but hav­ing sev­er­al months worth of preps, of course  makes me feel bet­ter, and urge every­one to take steps, even small steps to bulk up their preps, even if they only spend $5.00 — $10.00 a week on some addi­tion­al preps that might help to ease the pain in a bad sit­u­a­tion.

Going out on a limb, I sup­pose you can also say that this is a sort of a bug in sit­u­a­tion as well, as you (when I say you, I also mean me) may not want to do much trav­el­ing and work on projects at home more, as well as look for a bet­ter job, spend more time with your fam­i­ly, gar­den more, etc.

In addi­tion to what I men­tion above, I am men­tal­ly review­ing my own finances, and am going to be putting togeth­er a 2011 bud­get short­ly in an excel spread­sheet.  I have con­sid­ered my finan­cial fit­ness recent­ly and decid­ed it is much like my phys­i­cal fit­ness, in need of fur­ther improve­ment.  I am going to make a men­tal con­tract with myself not do devi­ate from that bud­get in 2011 because I need to save more mon­ey and put more cash into retire­ment invest­ments.  Not to men­tion I have some debt I want to pay off.  With luck I can put some mon­ey back in the bank in 2011 and give myself a padding of sav­ings to work from if there is an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion.

When I get the MS Excel bud­get tem­plate cre­at­ed, I will put it up for down­load so that you can use it your­selves if you wish.

What is your per­son­al SHTF sit­u­a­tion?

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