Prep­ping can be expen­sive.  Peo­ple like to bite off more than they can chew.  I did it.  I felt I need­ed every­thing “now.”  Food, gear, etc.  When I final­ly set­tled into becom­ing a prep­per I slowed down, took inven­to­ry of what I had, and real­ized where the holes are.  There are still holes.  I still fight the urge to over­spend on preps that I know I can get in 30, 60, or 90 days.  It is easy to want to spend mon­ey on some­thing that you are pas­sion­ate about.  But you can’t.  Mon­ey is a resource that needs to be bud­get­ed and respect­ed.  That said,

I came across a blog arti­cle this morn­ing I think makes sense to share:

In addi­tion to what is in this arti­cle, I think it is good for every­one to have a cou­ple addi­tion­al skills they can use to gen­er­ate some extra mon­ey for their preps.  If you have a day job and can cut a cou­ple of lawns for 25 — 50 dol­lars each every week for peo­ple, you have that much more mon­ey to invest in your preps every month.  And that is cash in hand mind you, that can get you a ton of food for a fam­i­ly of four pret­ty quick­ly.  You could have a year’s worth of food that can be stored for a long peri­od  just by mow­ing lawns in the sum­mer for the extra cash.  If you can tend bar that is anoth­er one… In a lat­er blog post, I will try to think and post a list of eas­i­ly learned skills that can earn you extra mon­ey to help you prep more effi­cient­ly and save for a SHTF sit­u­a­tion…

Here is a past post on inex­pen­sive preps you can make week­ly:

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