This is more a per­son­al post than any­thing else… I have had a long week.  Trav­eled on busi­ness, and along with trav­el­ing for busi­ness came busi­ness din­ners, enter­tain­ing, etc.  I am real­ly tired, and could have slept until Sat­ur­day morn­ing from last evening; or at least that is how it feels.  I could go to sleep now, but need to remind myself what I need to do this week­end.

That said, I have a few goals for the week­end:

  1. I need to repack and re-inven­to­ry my Bug Out Bag.  I pil­fered through it to go camp­ing some weeks ago, and now it is a mess.  I will post the inven­to­ry in anoth­er post after I go through it again.  I have also pur­chased some new MOLLE pouch­es to add to the bag, so I will enjoy exper­i­ment­ing with them.
  2. Re-inven­to­ry my food stor­age.
  3. Buy some plas­tic buck­ets and lids at Lowe’s or home depot to pack some of my food stor­age in with Oxy­gen Absorbers.  It will be good to get the food stor­age orga­nized, as well as make it more com­part­men­tal­ized and portable in the event I have to Bug Out for any rea­son and load every­thing up into my truck.
  4. Buy a #10 can or two of six grain cere­al (I am going to attempt to make some bread in the com­ing week(s))
  5. Buy the ingre­di­ents to make the bread (use some of my exist­ing flour in stor­age to rotate it out with new flour)
  6. Make a list of food stor­age holes that I have to fill and bud­get for those holes, and do some shop­ping with­in that bud­get.  Just know­ing that I am putting future pur­chas­es for stor­age on a sched­ule makes me feel bet­ter about the stor­age.
  7. Research sec­ond har­vest veg­eta­bles that I can start plant­i­ng now and start the sprout­ing process from my new corder of heir­loom seeds.
  8. Come up with a new bud­get and plan to pay off the rest of my bad debt (bad debt being cred­it card debt that I am mak­ing the month­ly pay­ments on, but want to accel­er­ate).
  9. Play with my new Apple iPad and eval­u­ate it’s use as a tool for sur­vival and ref­er­ence.  I will post a com­pre­hen­sive review of this device in the com­ing week or so, and will be excit­ed to get this out for every­one to read.
  10. Test a Bug Out Route if I can on Sat­ur­day after­noon if I can swing it… There is a Trac­tor Sup­ply Store on this route so I may stop there as well.

In all it does­n’t sound like a lot, but I know some of it will be time con­sum­ing, but look­ing for­ward to being as pro­duc­tive as I can.

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