It was­n’t real­ly a TEOTWAWKI moment, but offered an inter­est­ing glimpse of what might be.  Per­haps, the ghost of Christ­mas future.

There is a major snow­storm on the way to the north­east.  It is the first one of the sea­son and the weath­er chan­nels, news chan­nels, and every­one is pre­dict­ing 12 — 18 or so inch­es.  After return­ing from my fam­i­lies home for the Christ­mas hol­i­day, I went to the gro­cery store to pick up a few items I knew I would need since I had not been home for a few days.  When I got there, park­ing was scarce, and I guessed there was a mob inside.  What I did­n’t expect was that there was a slight­ly crazy mob inside, jog­ging, walk­ing quick­ly, cut­ting peo­ple off, and clam­or­ing to get their milk, bread, water, eggs, and com­fort food items for the storm that is going to last less than two days.  Meats, poul­try, milk, bread, soups, and oth­er items were all scarce and the shelves were half emp­ty of the sta­ple items.

I saw, for a moment, first hand, what a mild­ly con­cerned crowd of peo­ple try­ing to get their Oreo cook­ies and Cap­tain Crunch before the next guy could get them first.  I had to stop and look around a lit­tle just to observe.  I thought “this is what it would be like if it were worse, except peo­ple would not be as civ­il to each oth­er.”

So, what were my post gro­cery store vis­it con­cerns just as the snow was start­ing to fall?

  • It was one day after Christ­mas and peo­ple were mild­ly pan­icked about a snow storm and run­ning around with­out a plan.  You would think that when they went to the store to buy food for their Christ­mas din­ner that they might buy addi­tion­al food for their home.
  • It was obvi­ous that I was the only one in the gro­cery store who seemed to have preps at home and was­n’t wor­ried about water, pro­teins, and oth­er items.
  • In a real emer­gency, the gro­cery stores would be pil­fered first, and it would be 36 hours before peo­ple might emerge on the streets look­ing for food and/or sup­plies.  This pro­vides a pos­si­ble 36 hour win­dow to bug out with few­er issues.

This is all the more rea­son to prep than ever in my opin­ion.  I am going to eval­u­ate this week how I am stor­ing some of my preps and look for a way store them more effi­cient­ly going for­ward.  This was a good les­son.

Warn­ing — Some images may be too graph­ic for some view­ers