Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

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Add One of These Budget Knives To Your Kit(s)
In a short sighted ambitious attempt to think about learning more skills, I wanted, and continue to want to learn how to make a knife out aof a blank piece of steel. It is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, as does a buddy of mine. While watching…
The Final Preparation – Part 3: Trust Worthy
In the first two parts of this series I discussed many of the misconceptions and blatant head-in-the-sand reasons people offer for not doing any estate planning and we discussed an overview use of a Will (Last Will & Testament). In the final part of the series I…
Thoughts on Budget Guns for Survival, Part Two
It’s been a month or so since I published the post Thoughts on Budget Guns for Survival, Part One, and honestly I haven’t given this much thought since then. However, I think with the new year, and with many new resolutions out there, I want to get this post…
Saturday Videos
Who Would You Bug Out With?
The Final Preparation – Part 2: Where There Is A Will…
In the first part of this series it was pointed out many of the ridiculous and frankly lame excuses people often give for not preparing (“getting their affairs in order” as the old saying goes) for their ultimate demise. Regardless of a disaster, we are all going to…
Honestly, Where is the Answer?
Honestly, I have not been motivated to write recently. I feel like work is consuming my life over the past several months. Being in sales I am not surprised, but I feel like I am working harder longer hours for smaller rewards. The question I ask myself, “am I…