Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

What Data Retention Means to the Preparedness Minded Today.
Living in a digital age, privacy is minimal if someone wants to find you and if you are socially active online. I thought this video might be important to share. I will be asking my mobile access company what information they are storing about me…
2012 Urban Garden in Review, by an Anonymous Contibutor
Review of “Without Rule of Law, Advanced Skills to Help You Survive: Hide, Evade, Scavenge, and Infiltrate”
This review is probably months overdue. I’ve had “Without Rule of Law: Advanced Skills to Help You Survive” for months. It also took me a couple months to get through because I picked it up just every now and then to read it when I had a spare moment. To be sure I did…
The Get Home Bag for the Girlfriend and Her Impending Education
As I mentioned in a previous post, I was concerned about making sure my girlfriend was prepared for an emergency, primarily to get to my domicile in the event of an impending or happening disastrous situation. I hope to make sure she is safe as well as her dog, whom…
My Business Travel Carry On — Altoid Kit Contents
Prepping, a New Girlfriend, and Her Dog…
Well, We’re all preparing here for whatever it is we are preparing for. Hurricane, economic collapse, earthquake, civil unrest, whatever it is. As a single person, prepping has been a pretty simple concept to undertake. Know what my needs are and act on them. …
Hurricane Sandy, Five Days Without Power, Three Weeks Later, and the Gear That Made My Life Easier
This is my (Suburban’s) slightly overdue postmortem of Hurricane Sandy. It’s Thanksgiving day as I write this, and I want to say thank you again to all of you, my readers, as well as a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. My thoughts this holiday weekend…
Survival is a Fools Game; I Want to Live by Jesse Mathewson
Jesse Mathewson is a contributing author to the Suburban Survival blog. He is an individual who believes in Liberty, Non-Aggression, Self-Defense, Self-Ownership and a Free Market without state interference it is Jesse’s firm belief that we should all be better…
Hurricane Sandy, a Review, by a Contributing Author from Long Island
A contributing writer to the Suburban Survival Blog, and lives on Long Island hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. I’ve asked him for his post mortem recount of the hurricane, what worked and what did not work for him during the storm, power outage, and overal disaster here…